All trainerteams are coorditated to your specific needs – to accelerate your team to the motivational peak.
Head Trainer Tilo Schwarz completed – after his traineeship in industrial services – studies at
- Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität Münster, GER – Master Degree Diplom-Kaufmann
- Azusa Pazific University, Los Angeles, USA – Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Westfälische Wilhelms- Universität Münster, GER and California State University Long Beach (CSULB), USA – Master Degree in Sports Education
Tilo Schwarz collected leadership and industrial expertise in multinational cooperations within pharma-/chemical- and sports-/fashion- industry; cross-functionally in
- Human Resources
- International Personnel Development/Talent Management
- International Sales and Marketing
Tilo enjoyed and influenced company cultures and -processes in central and decentral functions at
- VOLKSWAGEN Marketing Management Institut, Braunschweig, GER
- NIKE International and NIKE Retail, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, München, Neuss, Berlin, GER and Portland, USA
- INTERSPORT International, Bern, CH
- HENKEL-Ecolab, Düsseldorf, GER
- NOVARTIS (SANDOZ), Wien, A, and München, GER
- LearnVision, Düsseldorf, GER
His training- and coaching competencies are gained from experiences above – plus additional qualifications:
- Postgraduate studies to Human Resources Psychologist, OPP®, Level A und B, Train-the-Trainer (TTT) and Trainer-licences for e.g. MBTI ®, 16PF®, FIRO-B®, Able® und Strong®, at the British Psychologist Society, Oxford, UK
- NOVARTIS-Leadership Coaching Education, company studies with Merca Delta, New York, USA
- NOVARTIS-University: Design and participation in Talent-Management and Leadership-Education programs, Basel, CH
- Workshops and trainings in strategic extension studies and HR Development at Prof. Dr. Stiefel, University of St. Gallen, CH
- Design of various C-Level Management Workshops incl. Executive-Coaching and Outdoor-Elements at Ashridge Business School, UK
- Associate Professor at Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, GER and COMCAVE COLLEGE, Dortmund, GER
- Official training supervisor certificate (ordinance on aptidude of instructiors) at chamber of commerce, Berlin, GER